Fort Magistrate Nilupuli Lankapura has directed the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) to conduct a detailed investigation into the misplacement of items valued at Rs. 162 million from the President’s Media Unit and present their findings to the court.
The order, issued yesterday (08), followed the CID’s notification to the court about the initiation of a probe based on a complaint filed regarding the missing items.
Progress of the Investigation
The CID informed the court that they have already recorded a statement from the procurement officer involved and are in the process of obtaining statements from individuals who had received the goods.
Additionally, the CID stated that their investigation aims to identify and verify the specific items reported as misplaced. A comprehensive list of these missing items will be submitted to the court as part of the ongoing inquiry.
The court has emphasized the need for a thorough investigation to ensure accountability and determine the circumstances surrounding the misplacement of these valuable items. Further updates on the case are expected as the probe progresses.