Tags #ceylonwire Why does China court Sri Lankan MPs more than others? CeylonWire September 29, 2023 China, more than any other country in the region or elsewhere, offers exchange programmes to the parliamentarians from Sri Lanka.
Tags #ceylonwire Some creditors want to restructure Sri Lanka’s debt without China CeylonWire September 28, 2023 Some members on the committee of Sri Lanka’s official creditors are pushing to reach a deal to restructure the nation’s
Tags #ceylonwire President is ready to give judicial powers to the port city CeylonWire September 26, 2023 President Ranil Wickremesinghe has announced the introduction of a new law to transform the Port City into a Financial Zone.
Tags #abolished Many dangerous agreements signed with China are ready to be abolished CeylonWire September 25, 2023 Highly placed sources within the government say that the necessary steps have been initiated to study the agreements entered into
Tags #Beijing Philippines says Beijing installed floating barrier in contested area CeylonWire September 24, 2023 The Philippines has accused China of installing a “floating barrier” to stop fishing boats from entering a disputed area in
Tags #ceylonwire Shi Yan 6 close to India’s EEZ CeylonWire September 22, 2023 International maritime traffic monitoring platforms revealed that the Chinese geophysical scientific research vessel Shi Yan 6 is engaged in either
Tags #ceylonwire ‘Shi yan 6’ will come to Sri Lanka after the President’s visit to China CeylonWire September 20, 2023 The leader of India’s Pattali Makkal Katchi or PMK, Anbumani Ramadoss has said that Indian must warn Sri Lanka against
Tags #bans China bans government officials from using iPhones for work CeylonWire September 7, 2023 China has banned the use of iPhones for central government officials, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing unnamed people familiar